
South African readers, you can order print books directly from me at the “Print Sales South Africa” page.

Book cover of "Ray and the Cat Thing" by Masha du Toit. A purple cover with black cats climbing on the letters of the title.
Book cover of Ray and the Stone Cold Axe Woman by Masha du Toit. Dark grey with black ink splotches over the title.
Book cover of "We Broke the Moon" by Masha du Toit.  A starry sky and a silhouette of a whale's tail appears behind the title.
Book cover of "The Babylon Eye" by Masha du Toit. A dog's face made up out of glowing lines appears below the title.
Book cover of "The Real" by Masha du Toit.  A number of glass vessels in front of a silhouette of a thorn tree appears below the title.
Book cover of "The Strange" by Masha du Toit.  A dark hand with spores emerging from its wrist, superimposed over gears appears below the title.
Book cover of "Crooks & Straights" by Masha du Toit. A doll's face, round and pale, surrounded by stars and curves appears below the title.
Book cover of "Wolf Logic" by Masha du Toit. A white wolf's face surrounded by glowing curves and stars appears below the title.
Book Cover of The Story Trap by Masha du Toit. The face of a girl with long dark hair, eyes closed, holding a mirror, appears above the title.
Book cover of "The Broken Path" by Masha du Toit. A hand partially submerged in water, and a goldfish, appear above the title.
Book cover of "Strange Neighbours" by Masha du Toit. A old woman's face, drawn in black pen, appears above the title.